Saturday, 23 June 2012

That thing I (wanted to) harvest.

So, last week I was walking back from the library with a friend when I noticed the empty lot near my house had an abundance of beautiful red clover. Excited, I planned to go back soon to do a little harvesting. I was too late....

Look at all that lovely MOWED OVER clover. 

But while wandering around the lot I did find some other treasures I look forward to going back for.

A nice patch of chicory.

Wild Yarrow (though we have some growing in our garden) Yarrow is known to be good for wounds.

And not pictured is a nice supply of Plantain that's actually farther away from the road than I usually find it. I'm going to try to harvest a bit and I might try to use it to make a salve. 

Here is a neat little bit of info:  If you ever run into a patch of stinging nettles, find a plantain plant, chew up a leaf, and place the chewed pulp on the rash.

And further up the street on my run this morning I spotted St Johns Wart!

It does take some fancy foot work to navigate the lot though as I discovered it's a bit of a snail haven.

I'm looking forward to going back when it's a bit thicker and seeing what else I can find!

***  Most of the plants listed above are not safe for pregnant or breastfeeding mama's. Please do your research before using any herbs for teas, foods, or healing.***

1 comment:

  1. Hi Joanna,

    I wish I know more about plants like you. Unfortunately, I am not blessed with green thumbs. My husband, on the other hand, is really good with plants. Check out our salad table which he planted with different kinds of lettuces:

